My name is Tate Bernard and art has been an unchanging presence throughout my life, despite going to 12 different schools and living in 3 different states during my K-12 education, as well as moving to a foreign country. Art has become a form of control and expression in my life, and I am often transformed along with what I create. From clay to oil paints to ink, I have explored every possible medium, and art has always allowed me to let my imagination roam free, showing me the endless possibilities of what I can create. It takes me back to when I was a kid, lost in the pages of my favorite books, imagining myself on grand adventures. That's why my works hold a lot of narrative elements, even though I never intended to become a literature author. I feel that I can still pursue that same passion for storytelling through my illustrative work. Visual art is a powerful tool that conveys so much information and is so adaptable to the viewer's interpretation which is why I have come to love it.
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